by Matt Belair | Sep 17, 2015 | Blog, inspiration, motivation, Philosophy, Self Development, Self Development and Positive Thought, self help, Travel, Uncategorized, video
If you had an opportunity to walk through a portal to a higher dimensional reality would you take it? Would you be open to experiencing a place of vibrant love, acceptance, expression, kindness and caring? When you first get your ticket to Burning Man or even more...
by Matt Belair | Jul 9, 2015 | Blog, photographs, Travel, Uncategorized
Here is a link to an album I made of my Death Valley California...
by Matt Belair | Jan 17, 2015 | Blog, General, inspiration, motivation, Philosophy, Self Development, Self Development and Positive Thought, self help, Travel, Uncategorized, Zen
The Fibonacci sequence or the “Golden Ratio” has been said by some to be the mathematical equation of the universe. A bold statement I know but when you really look at the heart of the matter, true or not there is some incredible and inescapable proof in...
by Matt Belair | Sep 18, 2014 | Travel, Uncategorized, video
This is by far the best time lapse video I’ve found of burning man so far. It shows the incredible scope of the event the man burn, day shots and more, enjoy!...
by Matt Belair | May 20, 2013 | Blog, Travel, Uncategorized
It was almost pitch black as I stood outside the dorm, which housed a German named Nicholas who was sporting a fresh one inch thick gash above his left eye, two cuts under his left cheek and one under his right. There was a good chance he suffered a concussion as well...
by Matt Belair | May 5, 2013 | Blog, Law of Attraction, motivation, Philosophy, Self Development, Self Development and Positive Thought, self help, Travel, Uncategorized
I was sitting on a Faded sturdy wooden chair, bar graffitied with mostly drunken banter, and a view that is in the process of being snatched up by massive companies that know people will pay out the ass to be there. I was having a great conversation with my friend...