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Show Notes:

Today’s guest is Founder and CEO of Adam Hergenrother Companies. In less than ten years, he has built this rapidly growing company through his commitment to thinking big and never giving up. Fearless and purposeful; unconventional and systematic, he sets a seemingly impossible goal then quickly gets to work on closing the gap to achieve it: no limits, no regrets.

He is a real estate industry leader and speaker and is known for his commitment to personal growth, developing high performing teams and leadership training.

He is the inspiration behind the mediocrity detox challenge and the 5 Step plan to prove anything is possible. We discuss;

Adams story of going from drugs and overweight to successful entrepreneurship
Quantum Leap for Kids Course
“The new sexy is the simplicity of Life”
Business as a catalyst for personal growth
The chemistry of transformation
5 steps 1. Dissatisfaction for something 2. Disdain for it 3. Emotional Threshold 4. See a better option 5. Jump through the circle
Canuck Nature Reserve
Role as a leader Cast a vision, provide a map, remove roadblocks
Physical: Finding your own growth, challenge, and stretch
Morning Routine: Exercise, journaling, meditation, affirmations
Journaling Processes: I am grateful for, journal about each of his 3 kids, one on your wife/partner, Adam’s life – what’s my plan, what’s the priority
#1 Affirmation Tool: Future Self 6 – Categories financial, physical, spiritual, social, and professional. Use 3-year increments and ask for help.
Why you use the excuse of time to CHEAT
Why you should measure your life in minutes
The power of consistency
The book Psycho-Cybernetics
How to create a habit
45% of our habits are unaccounted for or unconscious – journal – what do you like? What do you not?
Habit # 1 Physical
Habit #2 Spiritual – what can I get to what can I give
The interconnectedness of everything
Principles by Ray Dalio book
Habit #3 Intellectual:
Audible 1.5x reading
Habit#4: Purposeful:
How to have grit, execution, grit
Habit #5 Culture
Why you need to embrace the suck

May Love, Joy, Passion, Peace, and Prosperity fill your life! Namaste 🙏

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speaking, media and consulting inquiries contact me.

📧 – Email Me: Matt@ZenAthlete.com
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________™Matthew Belair – OFFICIAL ________

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