Ph.D. Ryan Gottfredson is a mental success coach and cutting-edge leadership consultant, trainer and author of Success Mindsets: Your Keys to Unlocking Greater Success in Life Work and Leadership.

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Show Notes:

Ryan Gottfredson is a mental success coach and cutting-edge leadership consultant, author, trainer, and researcher

Ryan Gottfredson is a mental success coach and cutting-edge leadership consultant, author, trainer, and researcher. He helps improve organizations, leaders, teams, and employees by improving their mindsets and mindfulness.

He holds a Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources and is a leadership and management professor at the Mihaylo College of Business and Economics at California State University-Fullerton.

He is a well-published leadership, management, and organizational behavior researcher in several industry-leading journals.

He has consulted for dozens of organizations across a variety of industries including banking, healthcare, education, and energy; including being a Research Lead with Gallup, Inc.

He is the author of the new book. Success Mindsets: your keys to unlocking greater success in life work and leadership.

What is leadership?

What is a great leader?

Why leadership is having positive influences on others?

The two forms of power to influence 1. Organizational 2. Personal Power

What are the drivers of success?

The success pyramid

The most foundational driver of success

The difference between a fixed and growth mindset. Carol Dweck’s growth mindset

Where mindsets live in the brain and how they filter cues in the environment and interpret them

Why our mindsets are unconscious

The mindset assessment

The 4 different sets of mindsets

The 4 Desires

Self-limiting desires

“I never lose, I either win or learn”

Our education promotes a fixed mindset

Prevention vs Promotion mindset

Closed vs Open mindset

Inward mindset vs outward mindset

The mindfulness movement



About Me:


Master your mind, body, and spirit with Matt Belair and world-renowned leaders today! This unique show features candid conversations with experts in personal development, spirituality, and human optimization. Each episode is another key to help you unlock your infinite potential and assist you on your path to self-mastery!

You will discover the best tips, tools, and technologies to master your mind; plus the science, principles, and practices to master your body. Finally, you will dive into the deepest depths of yourself, life, the universe and the pursuit of discovering who you really are, and consciously creating the life of your dreams!

Explore timeless spiritual lessons and ancient teachings. Let go of any limitations and discover all of the tools to dramatically improve your health, well-being, and mindset!

May Love, Joy, Passion, Peace, and Prosperity fill your life! Namaste 🙏

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™Matthew Belair – OFFICIAL

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