Damien’s website: www.damienlafont.com.au/
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Dr. Damien Lafont is a physicist, peak performance and mental training expert, author and educator in the field of human potential.
After working as a postdoc researcher at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, he joined Mental Training Inc. in the USA and started working with elite and Olympic athletes in major sports including tennis, swimming, UFC, BMX, and golf.
He has authored and co-authored several books including Back to the Zone – sport and inner experiences; Your True Nature – Wisdom of Living Masters; and Hacking Your Creative Genius that will be released in 2020.
He is currently working on group synchronization and flow with the goal to connect the sport fans worldwide and offer a completely new experience called Ultra Sync
Studying with leaders in Zen, Positive Psychology, Yogi’s, Aboriginal’s and more
The importance of keeping it simple
Why slowing down, doing less, calming down are important peak performance strategies
Why other’s benefit from your excellence and learning
Creating Calm, Happy and High Achiever
Why it’s imperative to give mental space to allow knowing to come in
The Way of the Peaceful Warrior Book by Dan Millman
Finding Core Values
Why we need discipline to master the mind
Why you don’t need motivation
Moving beyond the “little self”
Coming back to their true Nature
The book Flow by flow Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Cultivating selflessness
The work of David Bohm
Connecting Physics and Consciousness
The work of Krisnamurti
Change the world by making your bed
Getting your life in order first
Charles Eisenstein
The Native American Technology of TEAS
Using the Superbowl of PEACE
Start within your own community
The power of humility to access infinite knowledge
Using deep breathing to get into Sync
Why using these techniques are the natural way
Attention and Intention
Brainwave and heart entrainment
Research on distance healing
Ultrasync Initiative
The Master Key System by Charles Hannel
Why we are not aware of our power
The best advice from a Zen Master
Cultivating selfessness
Study on meditation in Washington and crime
The power of sport to change the world
The work of Dr. Joe Dispenza
Sharing this information to these kids
Why society cultivates fear and separation of individuals rather than global collaboration
How society uses this power to keep us limited and how to take the power back
11 rings book by Phil Jackson
Brainwave and heart entrainment
Zen and Buddhists always think of others
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May Love, Joy, Passion, Peace, and Prosperity fill your life! Namaste 🙏
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📧 – Email Me: Matt@ZenAthlete.com
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