Jerry Yudelson is an environmental activist and widely known as the “Godfather of Green,” In this conversation, he speaks about the conditions that lead to the coronavirus outbreak and conditions on the planet. He also gives suggestions for bringing our planet back into balance.

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Jerry’s Website:

Show Notes:

Jerry Yudelson is Widely known as the “Godfather of Green,” He is a professional engineer, and the author of 12 trade and professional books on green buildings, water conservation, green homes, green marketing and sustainable development.

He is an environmental activist and his new book shows one person finding his place over many years as an active participant in three major environmental movements, beginning with the first Earth Day in 1970, up to the present Climate Crisis.

Over the past ten years, he has keynoted nearly 100 conferences and events in 20 countries.

He holds civil and environmental engineering degrees from California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and Harvard University, with an MBA (honors) from the University of Oregon.

He The Godfather of Green: An Eco-Spiritual Memoir welcome to the show with Jerry Yudelson

Jerry’s interest in renewable energy

The green building movement

Attacking climate change through eco-buildings

One of the key lessons from the memoir

Rhythms of nature

95% of the world worked in agriculture in the 1900s

Living off the earths stored capital

We forgot about sustainability

We’ve lost touch with our natural balance

Why this is the next huge transition

Why we are all responsible for the planet

The paradigm shift we are undertaking

Merging scientific, spiritual, and political structures

How to get along in your environment

why this could be an opportunity

The essence of spirituality is what you can offer

The effects of the dams on the salmon run

The 7 Why’s of Japanese culture

Finding the leverage point to make change

Understanding the evolving workforce

The evolving energy industry

Jerry’s advice to the world

Why you need to educate yourself

The book 1491

The importance of listening


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