Today’s guest is the Founder of, & Executive Community Director for, the Energetic Health Institute. He holds a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine, a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, is Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition and a proud Jackie Robinson Scholarship Alumnus.
He has over 20 years of teaching & clinical experience helping people care for their amazing body by unlocking the healing potential of Natural Medicines.
He hosts a weekly nationwide program, Energetic Health Radio
Why we find natural medicine out of necessity
The future of health medicine
The issue with pharmacology
The one thing every pathology has in common is fatigue
Why doctors are indoctrinated by pharmaceutical institutions
What natural medicine is about
What allopathic medicine is by definition
The relevance of the Flexner report
Why MD’s were being called Quacks in the early 1900’s
The origin of the word “Quack”
The power of propaganda
Why the truth always comes out
Dr. Naomi Wolfe
How do we move beyond this global con?
The levels of sovereignty
The Beyond the Con event
The benefits of fasting
The first grandy jury petition to hold those accountable
Dr David Martin
Tomas Reinz
Outrage as a distraction emotion rather than using it for change
The redeclaration of independence
This happened because we fell asleep at the wheel
Why we need to reclaim our grandmother’s knowledge