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Show Notes:

Debra Silverman is part astrologer, part psychologist, part comedian and ALL REAL. Over the past 40 years of private practice, she has helped thousands of individuals achieve emotional health and wisdom based on their unique personality and the four elements: water, air, earth, and fire.

Her mothering approach to understanding people has allowed her to work with thousands of people, including celebrities like Sting, Madonna, and others. In this show we discuss;

Observing your life from the observer’s point of view
Astrology is the oldest science on earth
What should I be learning?
The missing element
Taking responsibility
A view on enlightenment
The need for transparency
How to fall in love with your fate
Why you should do your astrology chart
Depressing as depressing your nature
Coming into the new age
Aquarian Age
The Hopi prophecy
How to change the world
Being radically authentic
Returning to our cosmic language
Fall in love with who you are

If you like the show please share, do an act of kindness, and become a patron here THANK YOU!

About Me:
Master your mind, body, and spirit with Matt Belair and world-renowned leaders today! This unique show features candid conversations with experts in personal development, spirituality, and human optimization. Each episode is another key to help you unlock your infinite potential and assist you on your path to self-mastery!

You will discover the best tips, tools, and technologies to master your mind; plus the science, principles, and practices to master your body. Finally, you will dive into the deepest depths of yourself, life, the universe and the pursuit of discovering who you really are, and consciously creating the life of your dreams!

Explore timeless spiritual lessons and ancient teachings. Let go of any limitations and discover all of the tools to dramatically improve your health, well-being, and mindset!

May Love, Joy, Passion, Peace, and Prosperity fill your life! Namaste 🙏

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speaking, media and consulting inquiries contact me.

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