For over 30 years Santos Bonacci has been studying the ancient works, researching, compiling and translating the texts to produce an easier to understand compendium of AstroTheology.

He deals with the subject of Syncretism, bringing together all the fields of knowledge and wisdom and showing the interrelatedness of all things.

Santos’s website:



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Show Notes:

Syncretism is the opposite of division and covers all the big topics like; Theology, Astrotheology, Natural Science, Astrology, Reclaiming Dominion, Breaking the fictions of Religion, Science and Law, and the Holy Science.

Syncretism shows how all the Ancient Legendary Stories, Myths, Bibles, Fairy Tales etc, all have one simple common origin.

In this show we discuss:

Etymology and history
The synagogue of Satan book
Astrology and the K2 Period
The MODEL to know all things
All is “Atum”
The true model of the universe is a torus field
The work of Walter Russel
The work of Ken Wheeler
The Torus field
Radiation waves vs Magnetic Waves
The 7 Centres of energy in the body
The spiritual difference between magnetism and electricity
The elixir of life within or body the chrism/mana
Time is related to Tomb
SINE WAVESPLASMA, Gas, liquid, solid
The Sun is a wormhole and is transmitting consciousness
Two energies going through 12 expressions
Santos shares what happens when we die?
The purpose of life
Moving beyond materialism into more compassionate and co-operative nature
The 144,000 to help us ascend
Pinocchio, your own beliefs, see clearly, authentic
Power to do good, advice to your younger self
Self-advancement beyond the material world
Why you need to know your worth and have self-love

About Me:
Master your mind, body, and spirit with Matt Belair and world-renowned leaders today! This unique show features candid conversations with experts in personal development, spirituality, and human optimization. Each episode is another key to help you unlock your infinite potential and assist you on your path to self-mastery!

You will discover the best tips, tools, and technologies to master your mind; plus the science, principles, and practices to master your body. Finally, you will dive into the deepest depths of yourself, life, the universe and the pursuit of discovering who you really are, and consciously creating the life of your dreams!

Explore timeless spiritual lessons and ancient teachings. Let go of any limitations and discover all of the tools to dramatically improve your health, well-being, and mindset!

May Love, Joy, Passion, Peace, and Prosperity fill your life! Namaste 🙏

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™Matthew Belair – OFFICIAL

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