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Show Notes:

Today’s guest is the author of, A Curious Year in the Great Vivarium
Experiment. Based on a journey he took after his mother passed away—without a plan, a guidebook, and having only enough money to travel for 3 – 4 months—He bought a one-way ticket to India.

Using a daily gratitude and intention writing exercise, 15 months later he returned home with more money than he left with, had traveled all over Southeast Asia, volunteered for India’s most important environmental lawyer, worked as a school photographer’s assistant in China and Vietnam, lived in Berlin for three months, and had countless encounters with the magical, the mystical, and the transcendent.

Landing in Indian and volunteered at an eco-ashram with Indians most prominent environmental lawyer
Moving out of the career and into the calling
Remembering that prayer was a big part of your life and started praying
Work of Dr. Joe Dispenza
Write 5 things you’re grateful for and 5 things you want to create everyday
Why we need to be crystal clear
I don’t need to know the meaning I just need to participate in the mystery
Become aware of the unconscious programs
The Being experiment
The process is create, surrender, trust
What was it like to work
Relied on faith, commitment to service and principles
Figure out something you’re really pissed off and do something about it
We don’t need to have mystical experiences eternally
Why you can’t make a wrong choice
How the universe and answers can come in a clap of thunder or a whisper
Making peace with your Soul Ache
When you jump the net appears – the unknown always provides
Art is a process
Love the magic of now reality as it is
Love God with all of your heart

ART: http://www.zensages.com/

About Me:
★★★ Learn from the most conscious and empowering leaders to help you master your mind body and spirit. We aim to transform your life and give you the tools to live with more peace, prosperity, love, and joy. To give you the keys to self-mastery and unlock your infinite potential.

We provide you with timeless lessons, philosophies, and perspectives to help you live a life of joy and limitless possibility. We go deep into mindset, consciousness, mind power, psychology, spirituality, Zen and enlightenment with leading experts so you can learn and apply their secrets. Subscribe to join the community of those dedicated to transforming themselves and the planet! More: mattbelair.com/bio/

May Love, Joy, Passion, Peace, and Prosperity fill your life! Namaste 🙏

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________™Matthew Belair – OFFICIAL ________

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