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Guide to Lucid Dreaming E-Book and Guided Hypnotic Experience:

3 State of the Art, Brainwave Entrainment, 3-D Sound Experiences!

Kate Magic is an international expert on Raw Food Living and best selling author. In this episode we discuss;

Why you need to listen to the body
Superfood milk
Medicinal Teas
How to get started going raw
Adaptogen, Green Powder, medicinal mushrooms
Manitoba Hempseeds
Daily hemp milk
Some of Kate’s favorite meals
The Raw Food myth
Why you should drink less coffee and the switch – Chaga and Macha drink
How to switch for sweets
How to women empowered
Dopamine is seeking your goal
It’s not how other people treat you it’s how you treat yourself

* If you like the show please, comment share and support!

For Podcast, coaching, speaking, media and consulting inquiries –

Instagram: @MattBelair
Twitter: @Matt_Belair

May Love, Joy, Passion, Peace, and Prosperity fill your life!

~ Matthew Belair

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